I like gay people but I don’t understand why they want to get married. They should be happy with what they’ve got.
That is a direct quote from Mum!
I would agree to some extent. For instance, I never understood gay men.
You shit out of there don’t stick your damn tongue or finger there
Direct quote from Ambien Grace.
My father late last year had problems with his testicles. Thought they were going to have to remove them.
Now that I think of it, he does look a lot like Chas Bono. Much to my chagrin and hard as I tried: I knew the following statement was true-
Father Floyd had lost his balls way before December. He gave them to Mother Theresa the day they were married.
I found myself a few months back idly walking down Main Street with my Mum’s grandmother’s ring in my sweaty hand. It was to be a gift. Resized and wearable, I then would find myself in Mother Theresa’s good graces and stay there no matter the homosexual ideation.
Birthdays were hard, still are. I am not blood. My blood runs deep with trailer trash. I am Adopt-A-Ambien, baby!
Long story short, I get the ring to Speer’s, I get it sized, I box it up, I bring it home and Daddy and I wait for the results. We wait and hope that Mum gives her approval to us on her birthday.
Oreo cake and smiles cover the TV room. She opens the box. Aghast, she frowns, sets it down and complains about the money spent on a ring she would not wear.
Therefore, I am a homosexual homophobic for the following reasons:
I can’t do what I want without my mother being a huge bitch and judging me because I have to sneak around with everyone I’m with and I don’t normally have a social life which is why I lie about being in relationships And, if I want to go out, Mum comes back with I don’t know who you’re going to see and the few people I know in Concord I hate you associating with…
So, I sit in my attic where I find little peace in knowing I will never know this is all there is to my life!