To be distracted from one’s goal in life is to be…well, stupid! Most think of my generation and particularly, owner’s of Ambien bodies and minds, as lost without a cause. Similar to wandering ’round in the English language, making a mockery of it and giving up on stuffs that are just too difficult to follow.
My mind is not a parachute it is never open and therefore, my thoughts fall to the ground like scattered sedatives from a bottle with no message in it. English is not my native tongue. Gibberish laced in acronyms has become my generations say so.
Monday morning, I eat my big breakfast with some other big girls. I walk around and attempt to look like I’m exercising my right to be fat. Our volunteered to uncover the vast wasteland of ignorant debutantes, supervisor, mentor and ‘friend’ when issues arise; readies the orders for the week.
Perhaps, scrubbing graffiti of the under side of bridges or making friendship bracelets for old ladies in nursing homes. But before I go with my tans and my blues, a thought for the day:
How do you make love stay?
1. Tell love you are going to Junior’s Deli on Flatbush Avenue in Brooklyn to pick up a cheesecake, and if loves stays, it can have half. It will stay.
2. Tell love you want a memento of it and obtain a lock of its hair. Burn the hair in a dime-store incense burner with yin/yang symbols on three sides. Face southwest. Talk fast over the burning hair in a convincingly exotic language. Remove the ashes of the burnt hair and use them to paint a moustache on your face. Find love. Tell it you are someone new. It will stay.
3. Wake love up in the middle of the night. Tell it the world is on fire. Dash to the bedroom window and pee out of it. Casually return to bed and assure love that everything is going to be all right. Fall asleep. Love will be there in the morning.
I think everyone should learn from my mistakes. Love and Ambien Grace do not mix.
Filed under: concord nh, conformity, dumbing down generation, dysfunctional family, gay culture, gracing photography, NH Higher Ed, plymouth state university, randomwordbyruth, ugliness, Uncategorized, unh, volunteering Tagged: Ambien Grace, Beckett Couvillion, Brooklyn, Censer, Flatbush Avenue, Hair, Hair care, homophobia, Junior, travels with annie grace, Variety store, Wasteland Speech