
USPS (Daytime — In NO TIME !!) …item 1 & 2.. U.S. Postal Service Worker Caught On Camera Throwing Package Over Fence (VIDEO) — Deliveryman destroyed old clock (January 20, 2012) … (Photo credit: marsmet524)
Again, looking at the obvious with 20/20 vision; what the fuck are disaster assistant agents? Why do we spend tax dollars paying off a twenty-something’s college tuition? Why is there no real background check on these wayward children? And, what kind of disaster has happened in Winchester Virginia?
I just do not get it.
Somebody help me please.
The Red Cross, yup, got that, it makes sense. The community based Non-Profit is dictated to by the citizens it serves.
National Guard? Got that one too. Generally, when we find ourselves in conflict as we always do, we run out of ample bodies, hence, Joe and Jolene from Somewhere, Mid-West America, offering to protect and serve with little stipend. And, certainly, no one is asking for the government to pay off their mortgage when they return from battle.
Let see, Goodwill, another wonderful pact with a selfless NPO retraining those with special needs. Putting them to work earning a wage; makes sense, work is performed, goods are bought, money comes in and people learn to become part of the groove that makes America strong.
Yet, filled with Social Media, Fox News, Junkies with Junk on their minds, are these kids raking leaves and visiting New Mexico on our dime.
Shit, the wardrobe they wear is enough to clothe my mechanics family of ten and still leave some room in the closet when Baby Momma gets spit up on her t-shirt.
As far as the eye can see, Potheads, Oxy addicts, Straight A-hole students from elite Universities that Mommy and Daddy went to; all smiling and happy to be looking like state workers on break.
Did I miss something? Is the economic crisis over?
With the sarcasm aside…I tried to think happy thoughts. Those poor slobs, warm, well fed (obviously) strung out and listening to I-tunes while mulching some old fort that should have been condemned years ago.
Looking back on it…what were we doing in our younger years? Shouldn’t everyone deserve a break? Fuck no. I helped raise two kids by 21 years of age. My mother worked a full time job and dealt with a dysfunctional family that should have all been diagnosed with A.D.D., before the term became hip.
American Generation Y Me=another poor excuse to avoid the truth.
Work and decision and bills and crisis, happens. Volunteer on someone else’s dime and time.
Filed under: concord nh, conformity, dumbing down generation, dysfunctional family, gracing photography, grassroot campaigns NH, politics, randomwordbyruth, Uncategorized, volunteering Tagged: Ambien Grace, Cannabis (drug), Franz Kafka, gracing photography, Great Comet of 1680, Health, Jolene, New Mexico, Organizations, travels with annie grace, United States