Many readers have messaged and asked: Who is Ambien, the Annie C., Grace?
Well, my favorite color is blue. My favorite position is on top straddling. All though, on rare occasions, I like to think of the other person and let them decide who sits where.
I love, love, absolutely love, the Twilight Series! Bella is a goddess. I’m a couch potato and a radio head. On many of my profiles I joust at the idea of liking classical music and old films like, Casablanca! Really, I can’t understand any of it even if I put subtitles on.
Ambien Grace most likely is someone you’d bump into by accident in a crowded store. You’d catch a glimpse of the vacant warehouse behind the steel blue eyes and shudder at the thought of evil touching you. My madness is contagious it strikes more than ¾ of America’s young adults.
My madness comes with a name, conventionality dull. My clothes are purchased by my mother. I have not bought anything on my own since I attempted to buy a sexy piece of lingerie at Victoria Secret. To my chagrin the weight I had lost by losing my wallet didn’t help with the water balloons kept trapped within the red lace bra or the mighty white ass dragging behind the silk thong.
Cognitively I have left the building. Spiritually I think within the confines of a box. Emotionally I dropped the ball at the 10 yard line and began running in the other direction.
Basically my one favorite quote is:
I’ve been texting you all day and got nothing…So I just felt like dying!
I’d like my readers and followers who have grown into the thousands to send me their bio and we can peace together a secret Ambien society.