A few months ago, while traveling with myself and Beckett Couvillion, within the confines of the attic filled with fantasy. I had chance to recall a story I had been told.
A homophobic tale that went uninvestigated, as they say. It was not handed down to me via Skype, Facebook, text or any other source of online and off the hook media. It was given word to ear.
Back in the day, say, twenty some odd years ago, there had been a quiet couple. Unassuming women who happened to find themselves together under a coupled roof and God’s organized religion, Holding on to a secret that could not be bared. They mused and posed musically. Bringing their unique gift of sound to the church’s golden pew each and every Sunday and gathering in the hands of other wonton misguided zealots.
The females singularly seemed quite trite. Of average intelligence and above par education. The powers that be offered ‘do not ask, do not tell’ in every sermon mounted upon the altar.
The couple gave from the depths of their souls to the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. But when behind closed doors and with closed minds shut out; the love for each other appeared to all that knew them as nothing short of tender moments stolen from spirituality.
Then one day the music ended as quickly as it began. The Sunday best became the Sunday fears. Urban myth relies on word of mouth and gentle of mind. It could only be believed than that one of the young mistresses had succumbed to society and its unprecedented bias of the unknown. Truth be told…she simply just vanished into thin
judgmental air.
The last half of the duo clung tight to pious right and wrong. Smiled for the congregation and wept in solitude and solace. To have been offered an answer or a kind word seemed far out of reach and beyond the love of God.
She too went missing not long after her partner in verse and spouse of secrecy. Never to be heard singing the word of THE LORD, again.
Does it weaken one’s pride to see that the road so hard fought is being battled by a generation that has found itself spoiled? Spoiled by what so many have given their lives for, rotted from the inside out by lesbians who do not dare fight homophobia.
If by alluding my own instinctual and spiritual being to find acceptance by the moral majority: Have I not given up my right to fight those who oppose my carelessness?