A diminutive awareness is a unsafe thing. Hmmm. Good point! So in other words, being completely obtuse is the way to go. Better to profess a complete lack of knowledge than better one’ self with information, data, poetry, books and what not.
If one were say, papered with a diploma that professes said person had actually risen to the task of adulthood. She received the B and the F and the A…however, did not internalize one sage word or one profound belief. Furthermore, it was encouraged of her to defraud the college system by refusing to give credence to a sexual assault. Later on down the line, that lack of even the tiniest awareness inbred and manifested into a rage on and about sexual deviation, porn, sex toys and violence in the bedroom.
Again, just the smallest bit of lighting at the end of an Ambien laced tunnel may have halted the assaults, perhaps, put a dent in college age binge drinking and shed some distance between raising a child in the turn of current events instead of forcing them to always look over their shoulder for events they had no control over.
Take this now ‘young adult’ pepper her with a bad work ethic, sexual harassment of her co-workers and ask her to defraud the government. I wonder what she would say?
“No, I think I should pose nude only if I’m paying taxes like everyone else!”
Nope, wrong answer…She will continue on her decadently sedated in psychotropic medications way. Her mother who holds her dear…So dear that there is a glimpse of incest without the sex. She will encourage her, only now, and after all these years, to get the Fuck Out of the House!.
With Mother Theresa‘s approval and disownment there is no choice for this childlike adult as there isn’t with many of her generation.
As she will tell you, ‘I don’t know how to live on my own!’
In walks Uncle Sam, AmeriCorps, VISTA, FEMA and out walks a glazed over version of the diminutively unaware America. She now is a paid volunteer, oxymoron! She is now on SNAP benefits. She now is fully covered medically by the U.S. government.
In return for these vast riches that many would give an arm and a child for, the Ambien Annie’s will return home with no badge of courage. They will have not attempted the slightest bit of awareness. For even a little is asking too much. They will invade my hometown, Concord New Hampshire. They will invade your hometown. They have done their duty. They will soon be the middle aged women that insist on making Pan Handling illegal due to the unsightliness of it all. They will work to free city parks and state lands of the homeless for it brings down the value of their fine town.
It all starts with one dose of learning a little wisdom which turns into absorbing a little understanding and in the end, with diminutive awareness there will be one less mistaken identity on the street.
Filed under: ambien, annie grace couvillion, college drinking, concord nh, conformity, dumbing down generation, dysfunctional family, gay culture, grassroot campaigns NH, homophobia, keene state college, mental health, NH Higher Ed, NHTI, plymouth state university, randomwordbyruth, substance abuse, ugliness, Uncategorized, unh, volunteering Tagged: AmeriCorp, AmeriCorps VISTA, Concord New Hampshire, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Mother Teresa, Theresa, travels with annie grace, Uncle Sam, United States, Zolpidem