There had been a girl/child/woman…from UNH. New Hampshire’s very poor attempt at looking like it can belly up to the debate table with the other big league state run universities.
She had been raped. Assaulted. Abused and used. She also had been discouraged from making any further noise about the whole sordid situation. It had been an Ambien Not So Sober Situation in her Adopt-A-Mother’s eyes.
I choked at the disgust that welled up within my throat as this conformed by dumbed down generations upon generations of not ‘making waves’ sutured up on sedatives twenty something spoke of her drunken state and how…’it really could have been her fault.’
That the beating and the bruising from within and without could possibly had been stopped had she known how to stop drinking so much.
She still drinks heavily to this day. Pops pills. Avoids the obvious intrusion of men on the female psyche. She is of course, Traveling with Annie the C., Grace and her not so proper friend, Beckett Couvillion.
What seems to be the current problem?
This seems to be the current problem:
When prosecutors in Steubenville, Ohio, were dragging their feet in the case of a horrific rape and cover-up, it was national outrage — fueled by the public release of photos and video showing high school football players carrying the victim in an intoxicated state, and laughing about the incident — that finally pushed them to action.
But now, the person who helped expose and publicize the pictures and video from that awful incident in Steubenville, and forced authorities to prosecute the rapists, could get 10 years in prison for his role in bringing this evidence to light. Shockingly, this is a longer sentence than will be served by the convicted rapists themselves.1
This is an outrageous miscarriage of justice. Tell the Department of Justice: Don’t prosecute Deric Lostutter. Click here to sign the petition automatically.
Four months after the Steubenville rape, it was clear that police were dragging their feet with the investigation. A blogger forwarded Lostutter pictures and video of the rape, and that’s when he became involved.
By posting the images online and helping them gain recognition, Lostutter — and those he worked with — increased awareness of the rape allegations and brought to light an apparent cover-up by local authorities. And the result was progress in bringing the rapists to trial.
But Lostutter was recently targeted by an aggressive FBI raid for his participation in bringing that evidence to light. A dozen agents with weapons confiscated computers belonging to Lostutter, his girlfriend, and his brother, while putting him in handcuffs outside his home.2
How and why do we make it so difficult for society to view woman as anything other than a male prosthetic…a part of his anatomy that he can do with as he pleases, disregard as he sees fit and put on when the shoe fits and take off when it seems he needs no leg to stand on?
I suppose the two above mentioned stories are just that…tales of woe from the women’s not so sunny side of the street.
Closets whether metaphysically suited for homosexuality or conformity still hold only one true purpose:
‘Closets can be shut to hold the clutter away for only we know of the mess we live in. Closets, however, really are only a means in which to hide our dirty laundry.’
Rape another don’t ask don’t tell for the history books!
Tell the Department of Justice that enough is enough: Don’t prosecute Deric Lostutter. Click the link below to sign the petition automatically:
Filed under: adoption, ambien, college drinking, concord nh, conformity, dumbing down generation, dysfunctional family, gay culture, gay rights, gracing photography, homophobia, mental health, new hampshire, politics, randomwordbyruth, substance abuse, ugliness, Uncategorized, unh Tagged: Annie, Deric Lostutter, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Lostutter, Prosecutor, Rape, Steubenville, Steubenville Ohio, travels with annie grace